The Pledge

The Pledge - The Courage to Intervene
Passengers need to play a more active role in their own safety and that of others.
U.S. roadway deaths are rising again at an alarming rate. People are still driving recklessly. Drunk, drugged, and distracted driving are on the rise. Just telling people to drive safely isn’t enough.
That is why We Save Lives and the National Road Safety Foundation launched The National Passenger Safety Campaign to promote safe driving practices and prevent unsafe ones by empowering passengers to “SPEAK UP” when their lives are in danger due to a unsafe driver.
Passengers can make a difference, because “one courageous voice can change one deadly choice.”
Please download and sign The Courage to Intervene pledge, and also learn other ways your voice can make a difference AND download the I Promise Pledge - so you stay "in the picture" when you SPEAK UP!

To learn more about how you can make a difference, please visit